What is distance education ?

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Bernard Bull, VP of Distance Education at Concordia University, aptly stated, “The role of the instructor is optional, but the role of the scholar is essential for producing a better learning experience”

Brief Overview Of What is Distance Education?

Traditional education methods, centered on chalkboards and physical classrooms, have evolved drastically & devices like Chromebooks & digital pens have taken their place. Online & distance learning has become the go-to choice for learners, offering flexibility and convenience like never before.

Technological progress has deeply influenced the educational landscape, accelerating innovative methods of teaching & learning. This upgrade made online & distance education more accessible & efficient, customizing how knowledge is delivered globally.

Distance education promotes learning by bridging the gap between instructors & learners who are geographically apart. It offers the same quality as traditional education, which caters to diverse schedules & locations.

Few online & distance learning programs may require learners to visit the physical locations for specific purposes, like exams & practical sessions. These courses are also known as a hybrid or blended learning program.

Evolution Of Distance Learning Across The Globe

Distance education has a very long history. During the 1840s, Sir Isaac Pitman introduced a novel approach to distance education by teaching shorthand through postcards. He would send lessons via postcards & students would complete and return them for further evaluation. This two-way communication was a milestone innovation in remote learning.

Evolution Of Distance Education In India

The foundation for open & distance learning was laid in 1962 when Delhi University launched the school of correspondence courses. This program was to help individuals to enhance their knowledge & professional skills. Following this, Punjab & Rajasthan University introduced correspondence courses in 1968 & 1969, Meerut & Mysore University joined this initiative.

In 1982, Andhra Pradesh state established Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s open university. Through the creation of the Indira Gandhi Open University (IGNOU), the distance education sector achieved remarkable milestones in 1985.

Distance Learning is suitable for

  • An employee who is looking for career advancement.
  • Parents require flexible schedules to maintain work-life balance.
  • Students from remote areas with limited access to physical institutions.
  • Lifelong learners interested in gaining new skills.

The following are the Key Goals Of the Distance Education Programs

Expand Access to Higher Education – 

Online & distance learning courses overcome barriers like geography & time and create flexible & accessible paths for individuals to achieve higher education.

Offer Cost-Effective Solutions –

Online courses often cost less than conventional setups by reducing expenses related to transportation & infrastructure.

Make Learning Opportunity Available To Everyone –

The main objective is to make education accessible to every eligible learner, irrespective of age, location & financial constraints.

Encourage Lifelong Learning –

Distance Education caters to individuals who want to upgrade their skills or deepen their expertise, empowering them to enhance their personal & professional lives.

Types of Distance Education Programs

Synchronous Learning –

In Synchronous learning, students & professors should be online, at the same time, engaging in real-time discussions or lecturers.

Asynchronous Learning –

Asynchronous learning enables students to access the study material & lectures according to their schedule.

Let’s distinguish both types of learning with the following points

Synchronous Learning –

  • Real-time classes take place &  a fixed schedule of lectures is there.
  • Active interaction with the instructors/classmates takes place.
  • It is structured & scheduled learning & requires time management skills.
  • The best option for students who are looking for real-time engagement.

Asynchronous Learning –

  • Students can access the study material & lecture at their convenience.
  • Delay in communication through forums, emails, and other channels.
  • Ideal for self-motivated learners with other commitments.


Remote learning has broadened the learning landscape, bridging gaps & making quality education accessible to everyone, irrespective of location or schedule. Whether you are an employee looking to advance your career, a parent managing work-life balance, or a lifelong learner eager to enhance your skills, distance education is a wonderful option that offers unparalleled opportunities & flexibility.

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